We understand the stress and emotional turmoil of our clients as we manage their immigration challenges, including U.S. citizens who have an immigrant loved one who has been detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Our team works diligently, empathetically, and patiently to help our clients navigate a confusing and sometimes frustrating immigration system.

Post-Conviction Relief
Immigration law is especially harsh to individuals who have been convicted of certain crimes.
Family-Based Immigration
A person may apply for permanent residence, or a green card, through a family member, such as a U.S. citizen spouse.
Federal Litigation
In some cases it may be beneficial or necessary to sue the government in federal court.
Humanitarian-Based Applications
A victim of a certain crime who cooperated with the police or prosecutor and suffered physical or emotional abuse.
A person who fears being harmed in the home country may seek asylum in the United States.
The final step for most immigrants is to become a U.S. citizen by filing a naturalization application.
Hariom Patel